
From The Desk Of Butch Walker: My iPhone

Butch Walker built his reputation with hard-hitting, self-produced rock albums marked by a bright, polished sound. When he set out to make Afraid Of Ghosts, an LP partially inspired by the death of his father, he decided to forget about perfection and aim for a more visceral, acoustic feel. The songs on Afraid Of Ghosts were written over the course of a year, then recorded with Ryan Adams and his band in a four-day burst of creativity. It’s the first time Walker worked with an outside producer. Walker will be guest editing all week. Read our brand new feature on him.


Walker: I may come off as a hopeless romantic curmudgeon for “all things older and classic,” but I would be lying if I told you I didn’t love my iPhone. As far as any creation, it’s kinda killing everything out there, and Steve Jobs left our minds completely blown when he invented it. I mean, mine can actually open my garage doors, turn on my pool heater and lights from across town, play my music anywhere, file my lyrics, tune my guitars, take photos that rival the quality of my Canon and help me find my keys with the built-in flashlight. Oh, you know what is super weird?? It does emails and makes phone calls. So the next time you complain about your damn smart-phone, just remember, while you were getting high in college, Steve Jobs was making it possible for you to post a picture of your favorite weed strain on your goddamn IG account. From an airplane. Or a boat. Or a coffee shop with wifi. Fuck you. Steve Jobs lost the battle to cancer, but he won the war on technology.

Video after the jump.