
Rhett Miller’s Superfriends: Ben Greenman

rhettmillerlogo100cc2We asked Old 97’s frontman Rhett Miller to guest edit this week, and he pawned it off on a bunch of his famous friends: other musicians, actors, writers and comedians. Well played, Rhett. But you can’t hide behind a self-titled solo album. Rhett Miller (Shout! Factory), a Beatlesque beauty featuring Jon Brion, is out this week.

goya_300Ben Greenman is a New Yorker editor with some awesome short-story collections already under his belt. He has a new novel called Please Step Back. It manages to believably depict a life in music: Not an easy feat. He is a freaking genius. Ben Greenman recommends:

Stanley Elkin
The books of Stanley Elkin always strike me as hilarious. In them, human lives are at once precious and precarious.

Marvin Gaye
During the post-What’s Going On career of Marvin Gaye, he tries and tries but cannot keep his darkest parts at bay.

Witches In The Air
I wish I owned Goya’s Witches In The Air. The three of them are up there hanging by the devil’s string.